Document information
Project Title: Cultures of Disaster Resilience among children and young people
Project reference: 653753
Funded under: H2020‐EU.3.7. ‐ Secure Societies ‐ Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens.
Lead Authors: : Laurie Gayle and Kelsey Smith (Save the Children UK)
Contributors: Anna Grisi, Flaminia Cordani (Save the Children Italy); Ana Delicado,
Sofia Ribeiro, Jussara Rowland (ICS University of Lisbon, Portugal); Israel
Rodríguez Giralt, Daniel López, Míriam Arenas, Elena Guim, Sandra González
(Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain); Magda Nikolaraizi (University of Thessaly,
Greece); Maggie Mort, Marion Walker, Amanda Bingley, Alison Lloyd-Williams
(Lancaster University, UK).
Distribution: Public
Document reference: D4.2